Instituto Natura (Eugenio Severin consultant)
Instituto Natura (Brazil)
March 2013
PDF (in Portuguese)
• The pace of social and technological changes of the information society is far ahead from the traditional classroom.
• The students now are part of a new social, economic and cultural - based on the ability to build , communicate and share knowledge.
• There are innovative education experiences that need to be shared .
The goal of this publication is to share learning from Natura Institute - the result of studies , travel to other countries and consulting Eugenio Severin.
The work of schools, companies and projects around the world shows that innovation is possible, revolutionizes the relationship of the student to school and generate measurable positive results - both academic and skills development for the 21st century . New technologies have an important role in innovation: can, within innovative models, keep going beyond mass education, making schools more inclusive and democratic .